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Hayat’ı Keşfet

Hayat’ı Keşfet

Hayat’ı Keşfet Uzun Dönem Staj Programına hazır mısın?

Hayat’ı Keşfet Long-Term Internship (Onsite – Kocaeli)

“Hayat is a leading player in the FMCG industry and Hayat operates in various categories as Household Cleaning with Bingo, Test and Has; Baby Diaper with Molfix;Sanitary Napkin with Molped; Adult Diaper with Joly, Evony and Tissue Category with Papia, Familia, Teno and Focus brands, internationally.

Hayat, one of the leading companies in the FMCG business in Turkey, is looking for students who are searching ”Long Term Internship”. With Hayat’ı Keşfet Long Term Internship Programe, we target to help the selected individuals enrich their talent by offering experience real work life.”

Hayat’ı Keşfet Uzun Dönem Staj Programı nedir?
Ekibimizin bir parçası olup, gerçek iş hayatını deneyimleyeceğin uzun dönem staj programıdır.

Kimler başvurabilir?
-3rd or 4th year undergraduate students
-Field of study is in one of the following areas: Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Electronics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Chemistry
-Able to work full time for at least 3 days a week
-Living in or willing to relocate to Kocaeli


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