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DALGAKIRAN MAK. SAN. Staj Başvurusu – Yaz Dönemi Stajyeri

Kariyer Image

DALGAKIRAN MAK. SAN. Staj Başvurusu – Yaz Dönemi Stajyeri staj başvurusu, stajyer, staj ilanıdır.


Growing rapidly since its establishment, Dalgakıran Kompresör was founded in Karaköy, Istanbul in 1965. As the largest manufacturer of industrial compressors in Turkey, the company today exports its products and solutions to more than 130 countries around the world. With innovation and technology in heart, Dalgakıran Kompresör established the first R&D Center in compressor business in Turkey, aiming to better understand the requirements of its success partners and tailor solutions according to their needs. In early 2020 Dalgakıran Kompresör moved its production facilities to its new integrated smart factory to answer growing demand.

We’re looking for interns  to be part of our teams located in Sancaktepe / Dilovası.

• If you have a very good command of English,

• If you have a career goal in Sales, Supply Chain, Production, R&D, Product, IT and HR,

• If you are eager to learn and good team player

We can’t wait to see you among us!

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